Recent Sermons
Football? Rms vs. Goats Part 2 (Daniel 8)
If Daniel 8 sounds like a football game, then we will meet the MVP (Most Villainous Player) this morning. Antiochus Epiphanes is the preview; Antichrist is the feature. Let's look at how evil rulers persecuted believers in the past to better understand their tactics today and for the future.
Football? Rams vs Goats (Daniel 8)
Daniel 8 sounds like a football game but is actually an amazing prophetic vision that gives us details at to the defeat of Medo-Persia by the Greeks under Alexander the Great. It also introduces us to one of history's most evil men -- Antiochus Epiphanes who is a preview of the evil that will be unleashed by the antichrist.
Wisdom from the Wise Men (Matt. 2:1-12)
We all need wisdom for living, especially at the holidays. Wisdom is one the characteristics that distinguishes a genuine Christian from a CINO (Christian In Name Only). Who better to learn wisdom from than the wise men or "magi" who came from the East and demonstrated a genuine faith?
The Last Days (2 Timothy 3)
Pastor Tom Smith walks us through the characteristics of the last days and the implications for us as believers.
A Beastly Future, Part 2 (Daniel 7)
Last week, God set the table for Daniel with an overview of the history of the world. This morning, we dive deeper, and explore more closely the events surrounding the rise of the antichrist and the end of time as we know it.
A Beastly Future, Part 1 (Daniel 7)
This morning we begin a study of one of the most important chapters in all of scripture. the prophetic vision of the future given to Daniel in chapter 7 of his book. What does the future hold? Join us as we explore together this terrifying and encouraging prophecy.
Whet Your Appetite for the Supper to Come
This morning, we take a break from our study of Daniel to reflect on the finished work of Christ as the payment for our sins. We're observing the Lord's Supper. This supper is not just a look back, but also a look forward because the Lord's Supper is a preview of a heavenly supper that will one day be.
And You Thought You Had a Bad Day at Work? Part 2 (Daniel 6:15-28)
Daniel, systemically persecuted by a hostile government, endures with courage the trial set before him. This chapter is also a warning to those who subvert, silence, and squash believers. What becomes of the persecutors?
And You Thought You Had a Bad Day at Work? (Daniel 6:1-14)
We begin the story of Daniel in the lion's den this morning. This story is as much an encouragement to believers to stay faithful in the midst of persecution as it is a warning to employers, governments, and people in power to think twice before harming any of God's children.
Things That Make You Go Hmmm in the Book of Daniel (Daniel 1-6)
Before we enter the prophetic section of Daniel, let's look at some of the themes in the biographical section because many of these themes extend into the prophecies he will share in chapters 7-12. Daniel becomes the prototype for all future believers and Babylon, the prototype for the lost world of the future.
The Writing on the Wall (Daniel 5)
Our sovereign God, offended and angry, sends a message to the oppressive, carnal leadership of pagan Babylon. Suddenly, they are very interested in what God has to say and they look to Daniel to interpret the mysterious message. This chapter is a warning to unbelievers to get your life in order, and to obey the Lord, before He writes on your wall.
When God Trims Your Tree (Daniel 4:1-18)
Our most persistent, persuasive enemy in our relationship to God is PRIDE! Come hear the story of one man's confrontation with God that breaks his pride but engulfs him in joy.
When God Trims Your Tree, Pt. 2 (Daniel 4:19-37)
Is pride hindering you from accepting Christ? Is pride keeping you from some step of obedience or commitment that could result in tremendous joy and effectiveness? Join us as we see King Nebuchadnezzar confronted by God about his pride and cured through a humbling condition that lays him low. God loves us so much that He will take us as we are, but He loves us too much the leave us that way. Hear the testimony of a changed man after his confrontation with God.
When You Walk Through The Fire (Daniel 3:19-30)
Real believers always have some point in their Christian growth where they are forced to 'walk through the fire' of persecution or trial, because they are steadfast in their obedience to God. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego are put through their own fiery furnace this morning. What can we learn about these times when we have to endure the heat because of our faith?
The Dream Revealed (Daniel 2:31-48)
Daniel reveals the contents and the interpretation of king Nebuchadnezzar's dream, and an overview of human history from Babylon to the coming Kingdom of God.
Forced to Bow the Knee? (Daniel 3:1-18)
This chapter tells a story of a tyrannical, over-reaching government forcing believers to disobey God in order to obey them. The unconstitutional mandates against Christians and churches (and many other groups) during the Covid pandemic gave us a bitter taste of what this is like. We can learn from Daniel 3 how to respond in such a crisis.
Dream On (Daniel 2:1-30)
God sometimes works through the most unexpected people. King Nebuchadnezzar was a godless, violent, arrogant man yet God gives him a supernatural vision of the history of the world in a terrifying dream. We'll unpack the content of the dream next week, but this week, we'll look at the context for the dream and learn from Daniel how to be a model believer when things go poorly and when things go well.
God Rewards Loyalty (Daniel 1:8-21)
Companies and businesses are always offering points or discounts to their most loyal customers, right? We love loyalty and so does God! How does He reward loyalty? Daniel provides one example.
Democracy Devoid of Justice is a Delusion (Proverbs 24:23-26)
This morning we pause to celebrate our nation's birthday and to reflect on current events through a biblical lens. This morning we look at what the Bible has to say about justice and compare it to the two-tiered justice system which is clearly developing here in the United States.
Post-Resurrection Particulars (1 Cor. 15:29-49)
When it comes to the subject of the resurrection, Paul has to confront the “what about” crowd. They have so many questions and misconceptions about the nature of our future bodily resurrection, that they have thrown the whole doctrine away.