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Football? Rams vs Goats (Daniel 8)

Daniel 8 sounds like a football game but is actually an amazing prophetic vision that gives us details at to the defeat of Medo-Persia by the Greeks under Alexander the Great.  It also introduces us to one of history's most evil men -- Antiochus Epiphanes who is a preview of the evil that will be unleashed by the antichrist.


The Writing on the Wall (Daniel 5)

Our sovereign God, offended and angry, sends a message to the oppressive, carnal leadership of pagan Babylon. Suddenly, they are very interested in what God has to say and they look to Daniel to interpret the mysterious message. This chapter is a warning to unbelievers to get your life in order, and to obey the Lord, before He writes on your wall.


When God Trims Your Tree, Pt. 2 (Daniel 4:19-37)

Is pride hindering you from accepting Christ?  Is pride keeping you from some step of obedience or commitment that could result in tremendous joy and effectiveness?  Join us as we see King Nebuchadnezzar confronted by God about his pride and cured through a humbling condition that lays him low.  God loves us so much that He will take us as we are, but He loves us too much the leave us that way.  Hear the testimony of a changed man after his confrontation with God.


When You Walk Through The Fire (Daniel 3:19-30)

Real believers always have some point in their Christian growth where they are forced to 'walk through the fire' of persecution or trial, because they are steadfast in their obedience to God.  Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego are put through their own fiery furnace this morning. What can we learn about these times when we have to endure the heat because of our faith?

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Ask and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.