As believers, we greatly value this unique nation, founded unlike any other on the doctrines of the Bible. Our faithful but imperfect ancestors employed God’s Word as the foundation for our culture, economy, and system of government “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” America has blessed the world with freedom and prosperity ever since. We would be fools to let it slip away, therefore we offer up these articles to counteract the anti-American propaganda circulating on the left today. We hope to set the record straight and instill in you and future generations the same “love for country” that we share at Freedom Baptist Church.
Who Says Religion and Politics Don’t Mix?
Should the church stay out of politics or are they forever linked?
What Makes America Unique?
America was founded not on an ethnicity or some other external factor, but on an idea captured in the Declaration of Independence. The core assertion of the Declaration, and the basis of the founders’ political thought, is that “all men are created equal.”
The Founders were Slave Owners. Doesn’t That Make Them Hypocrites?
The institution of slavery has been the rule more than the exception throughout human history. Thanks to the repudiation of slavery by Western civilization, a moral sea change began to slowly sweep the world that would eventually topple this institution. The Founding Fathers lived at the cusp of this transition.
Isn’t Slavery a Uniquely American Evil?
Slavery had been practiced across the globe since the dawn of human existence ten thousand years ago. From ancient Mesopotamia through the Greek and Roman Empires, and into Medieval Europe and Africa, slaves were common, “normal,” and accepted practice across all religions, people groups, and ethnicities for most of world history.
Is Progressivism the Answer to What Ails America?
Progressivism isn't the solution; it's the latest manifestation of the problem.
Who Are The Slave Owners of Today?
America's moral stain of slavery was indeed reprehensible, yet it was supported by advocates who heralded it as necessary, just, and even moral. We have a new national sin to contend with and the advocates of today's sin sound exactly like the advocates of slavery two hundred years ago.
Why Study American History in Church?
Why do we need to study American history in church? Wasn’t all this material covered in Middle School and High School history classes?
The Fall of the American Empire? Not On Our Watch!
Hopefully, these articles will accomplish two goals.
Columbus: Christian Hero or Genocidal Maniac?
Was Columbus' discovery, “The greatest event since the creation of the world, save the incarnation and death of Him who created it” or the greatest disaster in world history? Is Columbus a saint, or he is a sinner responsible for mass genocide and decades of human suffering?
Why is Plymouth Plantation Held in Higher Esteem than Jamestown?
Why does America’s founding story always start with the Pilgrims in Plymouth Massachusetts? Jamestown colony started thirteen years before Plymouth. The answer lies in the impact of nominal establishment Christians compared to the impact of passionate, zealous Christians.
Pilgrims and Puritans Plant the Seeds
Ever ask yourself why North America (i.e. The United States) is so unique and distinct from South America? It's not because of Columbus or even Jamestown. You can thank the Puritans and Pilgrims who laid the foundation for a new nation built not on British culture but on the Bible.
The Great Awakening
Do you know who coined the phrase, “of the people, by the people, and for the people?”
Keep The Fire Burning: The Black-Robed Regiment
“The Black Robed Regiment” was the name the British placed on the courageous and patriotic American clergy during the founding era (a back-handed reference to the robes they wore) who cleansed the culture and preached the doctrines that formed the basis of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
The Faith of Our Fathers
Were our founders secularists? Were they deists? Or did they possess a genuine heart-felt Christian faith informed by a thorough knowledge of the Bible?
The Bible Verses That Motivated The Founders
The Bible not only informed the laws and structure of America's government, it also motivated these daring generations of Christian patriots to proceed with the monumental task of severing ties with the world’s premiere superpower to begin their own nation as a self-governed people built on the biblical concept that “all men are created equal.”