Prayer Is Power
Freedom Baptist Church is a praying church — not out of some legalistic duty, but out of a humble heart. We have to be prayerful because we can accomplish nothing on our own. We must have faith in God to intercede and fulfill needs that require His supernatural intervention.
The fact that God has created this means whereby we have constant access to Him is an act of unbelievable love. God is not a “force” or a relic. He is a personal being who allows us to come into His presence. Not only is His door always open, but He is standing in the doorway, inviting us in! Can you believe that God, the Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth, longs to have an active personal relationship with you and me? He wants to speak to us through His Word, and have us speak to Him through prayer. Pretty amazing, isn’t it?
Scripture calls us to pray “without ceasing.” In those ceaseless spontaneous communications with our Heavenly Father, we are to give thanks, confess sins, praise Him, and ask for His help.
Prayer changes things. God hears our prayers and He alone has the power to answer them. Prayer also changes us by reminding us that we do not have all the answers, and that we are daily, totally dependent on God.
Not only is prayer an important part of our Sunday worship, but we also dedicate a portion of every Wednesday night to lifting up specific prayer requests to God.
We would like to pray with you and for you.